Philippe Enjolras

Born in 1975, and father of 2 children, Philippe Enjolras lives in Bourg-en-Bresse (France).

After chaotic scientific studies, he gets his CAPE to become a teacher of schools, his vocation !

Five years ago, he met Jakè, a renowned street-art artist from Lyon who quickly became one of his best friends. His art, his love of people and life in general that he managed to "throw" on canvas fascinated Philippe. Thus, he decided to launch in December 2016 the production of his own artworks.

Despite the absence of an official reward, the fact remains that his works are today more and more appreciated and solicited: and that's the real reward !

Clearly inspired by Jakè's work, Philippe is slowly but surely refining a style that is more and more his own.

Through his works, Philippe seeks above all to tell a story, and this, through an accumulation of symbols, drawings, characters always extremely colorful. The goal is that everyone can tell their own story when "reading" his canvas.

Sometimes childish, sometimes transgressive, his paintings are a patchwork of colorful subjects...

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