Jean-Marc Navello

In 2017, he surprised you with his sublime anamorphosis ? Find him in 2018 at the 2nd International Street Art Festival of Oyonnax.

Graduated of Estienne School (Paris), Jean-Marc NAVELLO began his career as an artistic advertising director.

Then, still passionate about the image, he moved to the creation of movie posters, which initiated his taste for expression in large format. His other passion, drawing, led him to become an independent graphic designer.

For 7 years, Jean-Marc has been practicing floor drawing, using pastels and pigments in the pure tradition of Madonnaro art.

Participating in many international festivals, he has since specialized in the design of ephemeral frescoes in anamorphosis (3D).

He won first prize at the 2nd International Street Painting Festival in Toulon, which allowed him to represent France in Mexico at the Bella Via Festival.

Finally, in 2015, he won the prize for creativity at the Grazie di Curtatone Festival (Italy) and thus gained the rank of "Madonnaro Qualificati".

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